IBC 2018: Rohde & Schwarz debuterar Spycernode
Snabbarbetad lagringslösning med finesser för snabb återhämtning av förlorad data.
Med R&S Spycernode erbjuds enligt Rohde & Schwarz en lagringslösning som bemöter kraven för skalbarhet, snabb åtkomst av data och smidig integrering i det befintliga arbetsflödet.
Utöver ett utlovat lättmanövrerat gränssnitt, har man implementerat det HPC-baserade filsystemet IBM Spectrum Scale.
“It [IBM Spectrum Scale] simplifies and optimizes storage workflows, using features such as single namespace, online scalability and information lifecycle management. The R&S SpycerNode stores files intelligently based on performance requirements. All R&S SpycerNode storage tiers are presented under a single namespace, which greatly simplifies file handling. The storage solution can be scaled as needed – even during operation. R&S SpycerNode provides scalability irrespective of the system size – starting with the smallest unit up to large systems. As a result, there is no need to exchange or replace existing units.”
Och med maskinens kombination av oklustrad array och erasure-kodning gör att återhämtningen av data snabbas på, vid fall av diskkrasch.
“The combination of a declustered array and erasure coding, in the event of disk failures, drastically speeds up rebuilding compared with traditional hardware-based RAID approaches. Critical error conditions are detected and errors rectified immediately. Many conventional storage setups provide full redundancy only when multiple units are involved. In contrast, R&S SpycerNode offers full redundancy even for single units, ensuring that media files will be securely and safely stored at any time.”
R&S har i samband med detta expanderat egenframtagna, webbaserade enhetshanterare för konfiguration och underhåll av Spycernode, som för övrigt kommer i olika varianter – från 2U12 och upp till 5U84.
Redundant in every configuration
Scalable (Master JBOD concept)
Highly interoperable architecture
Enterprise (HPC type)
class hardware
100 GbE compliant
Single name space
Information lifecycle management (tiering)
Unified file and block storage in one system
HPC RAID technology
Cloud ready
Web-based device manager